# Support code for w9 assignment, MLPR 2020. # One way to use these functions in your code is: # from w9_support import * # These are the only import lines you may use in your code this week: import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import minimize # Warning: the cost function and gradient code here was written to be relatively # straightforward, but does not guard against numerical problems like production # code should. def params_unwrap(param_vec, shapes, sizes): """Helper routine for minimize_list""" args = [] pos = 0 for i in range(len(shapes)): sz = sizes[i] args.append(param_vec[pos:pos+sz].reshape(shapes[i])) pos += sz return args def params_wrap(param_list): """Helper routine for minimize_list""" param_list = [np.array(x) for x in param_list] shapes = [x.shape for x in param_list] sizes = [x.size for x in param_list] param_vec = np.zeros(sum(sizes)) pos = 0 for param in param_list: sz = param.size param_vec[pos:pos+sz] = param.ravel() pos += sz unwrap = lambda pvec: params_unwrap(pvec, shapes, sizes) return param_vec, unwrap def minimize_list(cost, init_list, args): """Optimize a list of arrays (wrapper of scipy.optimize.minimize) The input function "cost" should take a list of parameters, followed by any extra arguments: cost(init_list, *args) should return the cost of the initial condition, and a list in the same format as init_list giving gradients of the cost wrt the parameters. The options to the optimizer have been hard-coded. You may wish to change disp to True to get more diagnostics. You may want to decrease maxiter while debugging to speed things up. However, please report all results using maxiter=500. """ opt = {'maxiter': 500, 'disp': False} init, unwrap = params_wrap(init_list) def wrap_cost(vec, *args): E, params_bar = cost(unwrap(vec), *args) vec_bar, _ = params_wrap(params_bar) return E, vec_bar res = minimize(wrap_cost, init, args, 'L-BFGS-B', jac=True, options=opt) return unwrap(res.x) def linreg_cost(params, X, yy, alpha): """Regularized least squares cost function and gradients Can be optimized with minimize_list -- see fit_linreg_gradopt for a demonstration. Inputs: params: tuple (ww, bb): weights ww (D,), bias bb scalar X: N,D design matrix of input features yy: N, real-valued targets alpha: regularization constant Outputs: (E, [ww_bar, bb_bar]), cost and gradients """ # Unpack parameters from list ww, bb = params # forward computation of error ff = np.dot(X, ww) + bb res = ff - yy E = np.dot(res, res) + alpha*np.dot(ww, ww) # reverse computation of gradients ff_bar = 2*res bb_bar = np.sum(ff_bar) ww_bar = np.dot(X.T, ff_bar) + 2*alpha*ww return E, [ww_bar, bb_bar] def fit_linreg_gradopt(X, yy, alpha): """ fit a regularized linear regression model with gradient opt ww, bb = fit_linreg_gradopt(X, yy, alpha) Find weights and bias by using a gradient-based optimizer (minimize_list) to improve the regularized least squares cost: np.sum(((np.dot(X,ww) + bb) - yy)**2) + alpha*np.dot(ww,ww) Inputs: X N,D design matrix of input features yy N, real-valued targets alpha scalar regularization constant Outputs: ww D, fitted weights bb scalar fitted bias """ D = X.shape[1] args = (X, yy, alpha) init = (np.zeros(D), np.array(0)) ww, bb = minimize_list(linreg_cost, init, args) return ww, bb def logreg_cost(params, X, yy, alpha): """Regularized logistic regression cost function and gradients Can be optimized with minimize_list -- see fit_linreg_gradopt for a demonstration of fitting a similar function. Inputs: params: tuple (ww, bb): weights ww (D,), bias bb scalar X: N,D design matrix of input features yy: N, real-valued targets alpha: regularization constant Outputs: (E, [ww_bar, bb_bar]), cost and gradients """ # Unpack parameters from list ww, bb = params # Force targets to be +/- 1 yy = 2*(yy==1) - 1 # forward computation of error aa = yy*(np.dot(X, ww) + bb) sigma = 1/(1 + np.exp(-aa)) E = -np.sum(np.log(sigma)) + alpha*np.dot(ww, ww) # reverse computation of gradients aa_bar = sigma - 1 bb_bar = np.dot(aa_bar, yy) ww_bar = np.dot(X.T, yy*aa_bar) + 2*alpha*ww return E, (ww_bar, bb_bar) def nn_cost(params, X, yy=None, alpha=None): """NN_COST simple neural network cost function and gradients, or predictions E, params_bar = nn_cost([ww, bb, V, bk], X, yy, alpha) pred = nn_cost([ww, bb, V, bk], X) Cost function E can be minimized with minimize_list Inputs: params (ww, bb, V, bk), where: -------------------------------- ww K, hidden-output weights bb scalar output bias V K,D hidden-input weights bk K, hidden biases -------------------------------- X N,D input design matrix yy N, regression targets alpha scalar L2 regularization for weights Outputs: E regularized sum of squares error params_bar gradients wrt params, same format as params OR pred N, predictions if only params and X are given as inputs """ # Unpack parameters from list ww, bb, V, bk = params # Forwards pass: computation of cost A = np.dot(X, V.T) + bk[None,:] # N,K P = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-A)) # N,K F = np.dot(P, ww) + bb # N, if yy is None: # user wants prediction rather than training signal: return F res = F - yy # N, E = np.dot(res, res) + alpha*(np.sum(V*V) + np.dot(ww,ww)) # 1x1 # Reverse pass: computation of gradients F_bar = 2*res # N, ww_bar = np.dot(P.T, F_bar) + 2*alpha*ww # K, bb_bar = np.sum(F_bar) # scalar P_bar = np.dot(F_bar[:,None], ww[None,:]) # N, A_bar = P_bar * P * (1 - P) # N, V_bar = np.dot(A_bar.T, X) + 2*alpha*V # K, bk_bar = np.sum(A_bar, 0) return E, (ww_bar, bb_bar, V_bar, bk_bar)